Enlightened Concepts

Peace through Perspective

Making Your Blueprint

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Author: Deborah Lahoud

I have a background in education and taught for many years, yet my passion has always been personal and spiritual growth. I've always wanted to understand what makes people tick, how people can change, and what gives our lives meaning and purpose. In my own healing journey, I eventually reached a point where insight wasn't enough. I understood many of my issues, yet could not free myself from negative emotions and patterns of behavior. That is when I discovered energy therapies. Through that work, and through attending intensive transformational classes held by my dear friend and channel, Sharon Dvorak, I experienced profound healing and lasting change. I began to transform and gained an entirely different perspective - truly freed from my old patterns. I believe we are all here for a reason. As each day unfolds, the goal is to see more of the Sun and far less of the shadow that surrounds this world and our lives! Hopefully, my experiences and words can inspire you to think differently about situations. After all....Perspective is Everything! Namaste....

One thought on “Making Your Blueprint

  1. Very good video I received the video today, January 4th! Weird..
    I’ve pretty much did this on my own, so I think I’m ok.
    Thanks Deb, your are the best teacher!


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